Like any mother, I'm constantly being amazed at what my child can do. To me, watching her change and grow on a daily basis is absolutely fascinating.
It can also be stressful. I am quite possibly the world's biggest worry wart. I'm constantly analyzing every little thing Princess Girl Face does. I worry maybe there's something just not quite right. Sometimes it gets to the point where I need to sort of slap my self out of the worry trance and realize I have a healthy, happy, developmentally normal child.
Trying not to compare her to other kids near her age is quite difficult. I've definitely calmed down about it now that she's a little older, but much earlier in her life I would obsess over milestones.
Why hasn't she smiled yet? Why does she only roll to the left? Is she ever going to get teeth?
I've just now resolved myself to the fact she will develop at her own pace, and EVERY baby is different.
Funny thing about that though. My friend Sarah, from Dogs, Dogtags, and Diapers, has her son, who was born 23 1/2 hours AFTER Princess Girl Face. He was born 4 weeks early. With him being born early, he's been hitting every milestone she is, but almost exactly 4 weeks later. They're almost the same kid! (Except he sleeps better, sigh.)
Princess Girl Face is perfect just the way she is. Hitting every milestone at her own pace. It even looks like she'll be walking any day now (eeeek!) and she really keeps me on my toes.
So mamas, don't fret! You're baby will get there at their own pace. No need to rush things. Of course, if you DO suspect a real delay, speak with their doctor :)
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