Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Walk the walk

Oh, what a day!

Princess Girl Face has been standing unassisted for quite some time now. A few days ago, she took her first step holding on to nothing. Then 2 days ago, 3 tiny steps.

But today, oh, today! She was inspired by a dog squeaky toy (of all things) and took way more than 3 steps! We enticed her with the toy, but once she had it, she took off! Well, sort of. But she did walk on her own initiative, taking 4 or 5 steps at a time while distracted by her amazing squeaky fun ball.

Ahh, it was so wonderful! And scary of course. But even though I know life will be more difficult and intense keeping up with her, I simply cannot contain my joy!

I'm not sure why, but I went out and bought her first pair of "real" shoes today (and by real I mean shoes that currently fit and aren't sandals). Mother's intuition or something? I'm not really sure I believe in all that, but I just had a feeling she'd be needing shoes soon.

On another note, a very close friend's son is going to be 1 tomorrow! It amazes me how this all just flies by. There are days where I honestly feel like we just got out of the hospital. I suppose having a rather traumatic birth experience can have that effect though.

Despite all the pain I went through for her, I wouldn't give it a 2nd thought to do it all over. She is so worth it. Though I'd definitely change some things. Ok ok, most things. :)

I know I'm going to cry like a little wimp on her birthday. Don't judge me!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Oops, I haven't posted in a while!

I have no idea if many people even read this, but I figured since I'd been gone for a while it was time for a new post!

Over the past 2 or so weeks, PGF & I have been rather busy.  We took a trip to see family in New Hampshire, and had a blast!  It was too short of a trip though, sadly.

I was hoping she'd learn to walk while we were there, she is just SO close.  I think she just lacks the confidence.  She'll walk without prompting if you simply let her hold onto you in some fashion, but the second you try to let go she gets upset and drops down to crawl.

Ok ok, I shouldn't really be excited for her walking, because who KNOWS how much trouble she'll get into then!  But I really just adore seeing her grow and progress.

She already gets into drawers, cabinets, open doors (not by the handle, she just pulls them open), the trash (oy!), and an assortment of other fun things.  I'll definitely have my work cut out for me when she's faster!

Princess Girl Face opening drawers at Grandpa's house

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fleece Longies

While PGF was napping yesterday, I decided to try my hand at making fleece longies.  They definitely didn't turn out great.  They're ok for first and second attempts, but I clearly need practice.

Sadly, with practice, comes botching some decent fabric.  Sigh.

The first pair I made were from pink camo fleece.  They're too small for Princess Girl Face.  I followed the directions on the pattern for the length of the waistband, yet it came out way too small for the size of the pants.  So there's some ugly bunching, and they barely fit over her fluffy butt.


You can see the screwed up waistband here.

Also, being my first time attempting to sew pants, I screwed up the crotch and hems.  I didn't realize how hard it would be to sew the crotch, so of course I left a hole.

I also can't seem to sew in a straight line for hems.

Well after the first pair, I made another, in hopes they'd fit Princess Girl Face better.  They do, but barely.  I extended the waist band on the pattern, but it still wasn't enough for the size of the pants and there was more bunching.  It was a larger band though, so the pants actually fit.  I screwed up again, though, this time I put the waistband backwards and again couldn't sew the hems straight.

Look at those wonky lines on the hem!  Oy!

So I obviously need practice.  But I also need more fleece.  I guess a trip to the store is in order soon.

On another, happier, note.  Princess Girl Face is 10 months old!  I'm so blown away by how fast these months have gone by.  I still feel like I just found I was pregnant.  

I love everyday with her, it's such a wonderful journey.

A romantic picnic with her boyfriend.