Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Walk the walk

Oh, what a day!

Princess Girl Face has been standing unassisted for quite some time now. A few days ago, she took her first step holding on to nothing. Then 2 days ago, 3 tiny steps.

But today, oh, today! She was inspired by a dog squeaky toy (of all things) and took way more than 3 steps! We enticed her with the toy, but once she had it, she took off! Well, sort of. But she did walk on her own initiative, taking 4 or 5 steps at a time while distracted by her amazing squeaky fun ball.

Ahh, it was so wonderful! And scary of course. But even though I know life will be more difficult and intense keeping up with her, I simply cannot contain my joy!

I'm not sure why, but I went out and bought her first pair of "real" shoes today (and by real I mean shoes that currently fit and aren't sandals). Mother's intuition or something? I'm not really sure I believe in all that, but I just had a feeling she'd be needing shoes soon.

On another note, a very close friend's son is going to be 1 tomorrow! It amazes me how this all just flies by. There are days where I honestly feel like we just got out of the hospital. I suppose having a rather traumatic birth experience can have that effect though.

Despite all the pain I went through for her, I wouldn't give it a 2nd thought to do it all over. She is so worth it. Though I'd definitely change some things. Ok ok, most things. :)

I know I'm going to cry like a little wimp on her birthday. Don't judge me!

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